Do you ever get confused when to use “if” and “whether”? Well… to be honest, I do too… sometimes XD
All right then. Let’s start today’s #EngClass on “If” vs “Whether” and learn together.
We often use “If” or “Whether” in sentences when we talk about options or possibilities. Kita sering pakai kata “If” atau “Whether” di kalimat yang ngomongin soal opsi atau kemungkinan. Ingat! Hanya gunakan salah 1 ya!
Kadang, “if” & “whether” bisa saling menggantikan. Tapi gak selalu begitu. Nah… Itu yang mau kita bahas kali ini. Let’s start!
When to use “If” or “Whether”
“If” or “Whether” can be used interchangeably when reporting yes/no questions.
- Contoh: I’m not sure WHETHER/IF I’ll get there on time. Result: (Yes) I will get there on time OR (No) I won’t get there on time.
In short, “if” is used to express a condition. In this case, “if” and “whether” are not interchangeable. P.s.: condition di sini bukan kondisi atau situasi ya, tapi “persyaratan”.
- Contoh: You would definitely improve IF you try harder and stop whining. Syarat: lebih berusaha & berhenti mengeluh.
- Contoh SALAH: You would definitely improve WHETHER you try harder and stop whining. Syarat: lebih berusaha & berhenti mengeluh.
“Whether” is used to express alternatives, options, possibilities. In this case, “if” and “whether” are not interchangeable.
- Contoh: Can you help me convince him? He has to cut his pony tail WHETHER he likes it or not.
- Contoh SALAH: He has to cut his pony tail IF he likes it or not.
Positions of “Whether”
“Whether” is positioned after prepositions.
- Contoh: I’m thinking about WHETHER I should get a new phone.
- Contoh SALAH (after preposition): I’m thinking about IF I should get a new phone.
“Whether” is positioned before infinitive verbs starting with “to”.
- Contoh: I can’t decide WHETHER to get a new phone.
- Contoh SALAH (before infinitive verbs starting with “to”): I can’t decide IF to get a new phone.
“Whether” is used when the sentence contains options with “or”.
- Contoh (option): You must help decide WHETHER I should get a new phone or stick with the old one.
- Contoh SALAH (option): You must help decide IF I should get a new phone or stick with the old one. Note: not a yes/no question
That’s about it, fellas. I hope today’s #EngClass clarifies your confusion between “If” and “Whether”.
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